Release Early, Release Often


RERO is a development tool for automatically releasing software that appears to be stable. (see the README and Overview for details)

RERO development began on October 14, 2002. It has some lofty goals:


RERO is being used on itself quite often. Some versions are starting to show up here.


Efforts are underway right now for documentation. The latest can be viewed here when RERO is correctly running on itself. You can also check out the .rerorc and .rerocache-rero I am using currently for development. Also, a “textshot” of RERO output is available.

Status (ChangeLog, TODO(hnb xml format), Graphs)

Some news bits for those who don't read the TODO file: migrating to perl modules (anybody have good advice on using autotools with perl modules? :-)), moving to rrdtool for temporal information analysis. Gnuplot will fulfill the role of statistical analysis.
0.1.9 is the same as 0.1.8. No need to upgrade. I added files to the cache and that alone was sufficient to try a release in RERO's little mind. Just adding files to the cache is not necessary “change” in my opinion. If it actually affects the output then I would say yes. So I'm going to look into automatic cache management for certain setups (like autotools) and also not include new cache items in the total change detection count if manually added.
Please note that the email address listed in the documentation and program are not yet active. Please use for now. Thanks!
RERO developer comes out of nowhere and starts release cron job back up. (Now tailored to sourceforge infrastructure!) Also, version 0.1.0 is out. it's 0.1.3.
Basic logging support has been added to RERO. A visualization script that converts the log into a gnuplot configuration and data file set has also been added to the archive.
Here is the user cron entry I am using that allows RERO to release itself:
*/15 * * * * rero -q rero
RERO releases are now automated! Version 0.0.42 was the first automatically released version of RERO based on MD5 SUM change detection.
RERO is now releasing itself again. Documentation efforts are underway and a new website for RERO has been created at
RERO has been rewritten to replace the prototype version. It is quite a bit more robust now. I highly recommend using the version in CVS. It should be releasing itself again soon.
Currently rero is being used on itself, and could conceivably be used on another project under very strict constraints (or by modifying the source towards a reasonable abstraction and sending a patch to me).


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