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4.1 Configuration File

This section describes keys that can be used in the RERO configuration file. The configuration file syntax is described in an earlier chapter See section 2.2 Configuration.

Below are the top level key names after the "root."

4.1.1 announce  
4.1.2 bootstrap  
4.1.3 build  
4.1.4 cache  
4.1.5 change  
4.1.6 check  
4.1.7 clean  
4.1.8 distcheck  
4.1.9 dist  
4.1.10 log  
4.1.11 postbuild  
4.1.12 prebuild  
4.1.13 rcs  
4.1.14 version  
4.1.15 workdir  

This document was generated by Michael L. Brownlow on May, 31 2004 using texi2html