RERO: Details"> RERO: Details">
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3. Details

RERO is to be used when a release attempt should be made. This means that RERO first attempts to make a release before actually releasing your software. There are currently 16 steps that compose the release process RERO follows. Some are mandatory, some are not. In addition to the steps, logging is performed on each step for the purpose of release analysis.


It is important to note that each step must successfully complete for the release to be stored in RERO's cache. If any one step fails, the release attempt is aborted and rolled back. The exceptions to this rule are the "Clean Up" and "Announce" steps. These are currently not "release-critical" and therefore will allow the release process to continue if they fail.

3.1 Load Cache  Loading RERO's cache file.
3.2 Find New Version  Determine the next release's version.
3.3 Apply Control Tag  RERO needs a "tag" of the software to work on.
3.4 Checkout On Tag  Retrieve a copy of the software for release.
3.5 Detect Changes  Detect changes from the previous release.
3.6 Update Version  Update the version info in the software.
3.7 Bootstrap  Perform bootstrap operations.
3.8 Prebuild  Perform prebuild operations.
3.9 Build  Perform build operations.
3.10 Postbuild  Perform postbuild operations.
3.11 Check  Perform check operations.
3.12 Distribution Check  Perform distribution check operations.
3.13 Distribute  Perform distribution operations.
3.14 Clean  Perform clean operations.
3.15 Apply Release Tag  Make the official release tag.
3.16 Purge  Purge residue of release attempt.
3.17 Announce  Announce release to world.
3.18 Update Cache  Update RERO's cache file.


Each step in the release process is also logged. The default location of the log is `~/.rero.log'; however, it can be other names by using either command line options (see section 2.1 Options) or configuration file settings (see section 2.2 Configuration).

The data that is logged includes the time the step completed, the profile name, the step name, the duration of the step in seconds, and any other details that may pertain to a particular step. In the "Detect Changes" step, for instance, the number of tests and number of changes detected are logged. Each value is separated by a space. The details of what is logged at each step are documented in the corresponding step's section of this manual.

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This document was generated by Michael L. Brownlow on May, 31 2004 using texi2html